Online tutors for all subjects

How to choose a tutor
Checklist and tips from our users
Tutors help children do well in school, pass their exams perfectly, and get into a good college.
We’ve made a checklist so you can find the right teacher faster and avoid wasting time and money.
Set the goal
The goal of the lesson is better to be as specific as possible, so that the tutor immediately understands the task and the amount of work. “Pull up math” is an abstract goal, and “pass the math exam with 80 points” is a concrete one.
If you can’t set the task specifically (the child doesn’t do well with the program, the training doesn’t make him happy, but torments him), make a list of difficulties for the tutor, ask him to name the reason and offer a solution.
In-person or online
High school students who are preparing for final exams and busy adults sometimes find it easier to study remotely. If you find a good tutor from the region, his services are cheaper without sacrificing quality.
The advantages of online learning are:
- Cheaper than face-to-face classes;
- no strangers in the house;
- no need to travel to the tutor.
Arrange a trial lesson
A trial lesson helps you understand how the instructor explains and whether you feel comfortable with him or her. After the lesson, ask the tutor what gaps in knowledge he saw and how he will conduct the class to help get results.
If you are satisfied with the tutor’s answers, the child is excited about what he learned, the teenager admits that it was useful, the teacher is suitable. If not, the trial lesson does not bind you to anything.
Evaluate work, not awards
A tutor’s regalia is not the most important thing, especially for tutoring preschoolers and elementary school students. If a high school student needs to improve his math skills, there is no need to hire a professor from a prestigious university. The same knowledge for less money will be given by a good school teacher.
To find someone who knows the requirements
If you go to university or take a non-standard exam, you need a tutor who knows the requirements and tasks: a teacher or a university student. To prepare for school exams any school teacher, whose students successfully pass them, is suitable.
Checklist: how to choose a tutor
- Set a specific goal: the number of points on the exam, what skill is needed.
- Decide: face-to-face or Skype classes.
- Agree on a trial lesson. Then ask the tutor and the child about their impressions.
- Evaluate the work, not the rewards. Sometimes you don’t need a PhD, just a patient and calm person.
- Find someone who knows the requirements to get into college, to take a non-standard exam.
A remote solution to your task
Many pros work remotely – take advantage of online services.
Talk to the pros when and where it suits you
No meetings, just a laptop or phone with Internet
Online services are often cheaper
We are sure to find the most comfortable and useful solution for the task
at hand in the field of knowledge you need.
You can completely trust us and together we will achieve the result in the set task!

Effective exam preparation program
Our instructors have collected materials on many study programs in one place
Over 2,000 practice test tasks
There are a variety of tests that allow you to prepare for any type of task, so that you feel confident in the exam.
+30 points to the result, compared to the average score among students
Statistically, after completing our courses, students score above the national average
Save money and time searching for material
No secret payments, one-time payment and the best structured material in your personal account

Nata Lim
9 years experience in the education industry
“Today you can’t teach with the methods of the past, you have to make it interesting and show the value of the subject. That’s why we created this site – interesting courses, which concentrated a squeeze of the basic knowledge of the main subjects”